Company drinks in De Pijp, Amsterdam

Plan an extraordinary company drink in the enchanting Cheese Bar in Amsterdam, de Pijp!

Discover a unique opportunity to organize your business event and impress your guests.

Call or email us today for all the options and make your company drinks an unforgettable experience. Enjoy the exclusivity of our fully reserved bar. Let our experts put together beautiful cheese boards and arrange a tailor-made wine arrangement for you. We take care of all organizational concerns, so that you can concentrate on the most important thing: a successful company drink.

Experience the perfect combination of atmosphere, taste and service in the Cheese Bar in Amsterdam, de Pijp. Book now and make your company drinks unforgettable.

Please feel free to contact us at:

See you soon!

Kaasbar | Verjaardag | Dinner | Kaasfondue | Cheese | Cheeseplate | Amsterdam | De Pijp | Dineren | Lunch | Culinair